Online OIOUBL Dokumentation



OrderResponseSimple.SellerSupplierParty specification

Name OrderResponseSimple.SellerSupplierParty (Show as PDF) Alternative Term  
Definition Information about the Supplier Party


UBL-Name Name Datatype Usage Cardinality
CustomerAssignedAccountID CustomerAssignedAccountID Identifier Yes 0..1
AdditionalAccountID AdditionalAccountID Identifier Bilateral 0..n

Subclasses in class OrderResponseSimple.SellerSupplierParty

UBL-Name Name Usage Cardinality Reference to the printed documentation See also
Party Party Yes 1 3.3.1  
ShippingContact ShippingContact Bilateral 0..1 Common Library, 3.21  
AccountingContact AccountingContact Bilateral 0..1 Common Library, 3.21  
OrderContact OrderContact Bilateral 0..1 Common Library, 3.21  

Excluded classes and fields in OrderResponseSimple.SellerSupplierParty

Name Name Type
DataSendingCapability DataSendingCapability Field


<cac:SellerSupplierParty >
+ <cac:Party />